International Leading Research (Structure in the Universe) is looking for young researchers (graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, assistant professors, etc.) to be dispatched to overseas research institutions on a long-term basis to vigorously pursue joint research. The research institutes are located in the United States (University of Arizona, Princeton University, CCA), Europe (INAF, Italy, Spain, MPA, UCL), and Australia (Australian National University, Swinburne University of Technology). In addition to the research institutions listed above, students may stay in other countries if it is deemed possible based on a comprehensive evaluation of the research content and relevance to the project.
Application Procedure
When applying for the use of the Residency Grant for Overseas Research Institutions, please consult with your mentor faculty member (representative, co-chairperson, or research collaborator of the International Leading Researchers) in advance and thoroughly discuss your research plan and residency plan with him/her before applying. Please read the Application Preparation Guide before applying.