International Leading Research
“Comprehensive understanding of the formation history of structures in the Universe”



Satoshi Miyazaki

Satoshi Miyazaki

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Atsushi J. Nishizawa

Atsushi J. Nishizawa

Affiliation/position : Associate Professor at Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University
Research theme : Photometric redshift of galaxies for imaging surveys
Hashtag : #Cosmology, #cluster of galaxies, #galaxy evolution #data analysis #simulation
Research content : We use advanced machine learning and other techniques to estimate the redshift of galaxies, the most fundamental physical quantity in cosmology and galaxy studies. We are also working on developing statistical methods to efficiently extract information from observables for cosmology.

Hironao Miyatake

Hironao Miyatake

Affiliation/position : Associate Professor, KMI, Nagoya University
Research theme : Weak lensing cosmology with wide-field galaxy imaging surveys.
Hashtag : #Cosmology, #gravitational lensing, #galaxy clusters #galaxies #big data analysis
Research content : I am conducting observational studies to understand the nature of dark matter and dark energy, the dark component that accounts for 95% of the universe. In particular, by measuring weak gravitational lensing with wide-field imaging galaxy survey data, I am are investigating growth of cosmic stracture. I have mainly conducted my research using Hyper Suprime-Cam at the Subaru Telescope. In the International Leading Research Program, I will work on data analysis of the next generation galaxy imaging surveys, such as Euclid Space Telescope, Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s LSST, and Roman Space Telescope, which will start in the 2020s.
ORCID : 0000-0001-7964-9766

Masamune Oguri

Masamune Oguri

Affiliation/position : Professor, Center for Frontier Science, Chiba University
Research theme : Cosmology, cosmological structure formation
Research content : My research focuses on cosmology and cosmological structure formation, especially topics related to dark matter and dark energy. In particular I work on the theory of gravitational lensing and its applications to observations. I am a part of international collaborations to search for distant stars, galaxies, and supernovae in deep observations of high magnification regions in massive clusters of galaxies, with which we push the frontier of the distant Universe. Recently I am also interested in gravitational wave cosmology with compact binary mergers.

Kentaro Nagamine

Kentaro Nagamine

Affiliation/position : Professor, Theoretical Astrophysics Group, Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Research theme : Cosmological Structure Formation, Galaxy Formation and Evolution, Supermassive Black Holes, Protoclusters, Supernova and AGN feedback, Large-scale Structure, Lya forest, Cosmic Reionization, ELT, Numerical Simulations, Theory.
Research content : We investigate the cosmological structure formation and galaxy formation using cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. Through full-scale simulations that incorporate star formation and feedback processes, we unravel the distribution of matter in the universe, spanning from the first galaxies and black holes to primordial galaxy clusters, as well as their link to cosmology.

Mikio Kurita

Mikio Kurita

Affiliation/position : Department of Astrophysics, Kyoto University
Position : Associate Professor
Research theme : Interstellar Medium, Star Formation, Exoplanets, Instrument Development, Optics, Precision Measurement
Hashtag : #Instrument Development #Optical Infrared Telescope #Optics #Precision Processing #Metrology #Adaptive Optics
Research content : From my student days to an assistant at Nagoya University, I have been developing small and medium size telescopes, including the IRSF 1.4m telescope, and conducting observational astronomy using these telescopes. In my current position, as the project manager, I have developed the Seimei Telescope, the largest telescope in East Asia and the first segmented-mirror telescope in Japan with an aperture of 3.8m. I have also established a venture company based on the technology we developed at the Seimei project.
In this research project, I am in charge of the development of a large mirror and lens for the adaptive optics system for the ELT.

Yuichi Harikane

Yuichi Harikane

Affiliation/position : Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research
Research theme : Galaxy Formation and Evolution, Cosmic Reionization, Observational Cosmology
Research contentI’m studying high redshift galaxies and first galaxies using large telescopes such as Subaru and JWST. I’m also contributing to discussions about science cases enabled with next generation telescopes such as ELT.

Tadayuki Kodama

Tadayuki Kodama

Affiliation/position : Astronomical Institute, Tohoku Univ., Professor
Research theme : Formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies
Research content : Formation of galaxies and their clusters was most active around 100-120 Gyrs ago. We aim to see the galactic Universe across this peak epoch and obtain global and statistical views of galaxy formatino and evolution (macroscopic approach) and at the same time spatially resolve the internal structures and kinematics within individual galaxies to understand the physical processes directly (microscopic approach). With the observational data obtained through modern telescopes and the phenomenological models to interpret them, we are revealing how the galaxies and clusters form and grow.
ORCID : 0000-0002-2993-1576

Kentaro Motohara

Kentaro Motohara

Affiliation/position : Professor, Advanced Technology Center, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Research themeOptical-Infrared instrumentation, formation and evolution of galaxies
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ORCID : 0000-0002-0724-9146

Yusei Koyama

Yusei Koyama

Affiliation/position : Associate Professor,Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Research theme : Galaxy formation and evolution, galaxy clusters, large-scale structures of the universe, environmental effects
Research contentMy research goal is to understand the history of galaxy formation and evolution in the context of structure formation of the universe, by combining the “wide-field” and “high-resolution” observations of high- and low-redshift galaxies. I am serving as the Project Scientist of the ULTIMATE-Subaru program.
ORCID : 0000-0002-0479-3699
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Yosuke Minowa

Yosuke Minowa

Affiliation/position : Associate Professor, Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Research theme : Adaptive Optics, Formation and evolution of galaxies.
Research content : I am developing Subaru Telescope’s next generation instrument “ULTIMATE-Subaru” as a project manager. ULTIMATE-Subaru will develop a wide-field Adaptive Optics (GLAO) and a near-infrared instrument to conduct wide-field and high-resolution galaxy survey.
ORCID : 0000-0003-3713-8882