International Leading Research
“Comprehensive understanding of the formation history of structures in the Universe”


Partner Institutes

University of Arizona

The University of Arizona is a public university located in Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. It is one of the largest and most renowned universities in the state. The University of Arizona is highly regarded in a wide variety of academic fields, especially in astronomy, space science, environmental science, medicine, and engineering. The university is committed to research and plays a pioneering role in a variety of research areas, including space observation and environmental protection projects.

International Leading Research collaborations focus on cosmological research, integrating Subaru’s observational and theoretical research with U.S.-led projects such as LSST, the Roman Space Telescope, and JWST. The university is also an important partner in the joint development of adaptive optics and optical infrared cameras.

INAF Italy

INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) is a national research institute created to promote research in astronomy and astrophysics in Italy. research in various fields of astrophysics. Their research covers the origin and evolution of the universe, astrophysics, and space exploration, as well as international collaboration. INAF is recognized as one of the most important centers of astronomy and astrophysics in Italy, operating a number of observatories and research facilities.

In the International Leading Research Program, we collaborate on research and instrument development related to the mirror fabrication and assembly of ELT MORFEO. In addition, we will also work on the ELT’s future observations and the necessary target selection for these observations, as well as other pre-observation projects by Subaru/JWST and others.

Princeton University

Princeton University is a world-renowned private research university located in Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A. Princeton University is a highly regarded member of the Ivy League. Princeton boasts outstanding academic programs and an outstanding faculty, particularly in various academic disciplines, including science and engineering, the humanities, and the social sciences. In addition, Princeton University is affiliated with the renowned Princeton Institute for Advanced Study, which contributes to interdisciplinary research and knowledge creation.

In the International Leading Research Program, we mainly work on theoretical research using hydrodynamic simulations on the physics of feedback, ISM/CGM/IGM, galaxy formation, star formation, and the formation of first stars/galaxies/black holes.

Australian National University

ANU is a national research university located in Canberra, Australia’s capital city. ANU is known for research excellence in a wide range of academic disciplines, particularly in the sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities, and Asian studies. The university offers world-class research programs and teaching excellence, and plays an important role in the international academic community.

In the International Leading Research, we develop Wavefront Sensor and Laser Guide Star subsystems of the Ground Layer Adaptive Optics (GLAO) system for ULTIMATE-Subaru at the AITC (Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Center). Technical research and development on adaptive optics will also be conducted in cooperation with NAOJ and Tohoku University.


The Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA) is one of the divisions or centers of research in computational science at the American Institution, focusing primarily on astronomy and astrophysics. In particular, CCA promotes research in astronomy using computation to simulate the universe, analyze astronomical data, and develop astrophysical models, among other things. CCA contributes to the advancement of astronomy.

In the International Leading Research project, Theoretical research using hydrodynamic simulations on the physics of feedback, ISM/CGM/IGM, galaxy formation, star formation, and the formation of first stars/galaxies/black holes. We also collaborate on the work related to the cosmological data analyses using both observational and numerical simulation data, through which we aim to extract information on cosmological parameters and galaxy formation.


Swinburne University of Technology is a public, comprehensive university located in Victoria, Australia. It is well known primarily in the fields of engineering, information technology, design, business, and astronomy, and offers high-quality educational programs and research activities. Swinburne University has strong links with industry and takes an educational approach that promotes learning through work experience. In the field of astronomy, Swinburne University offers many research projects and facilities for internationally recognized research.

International Leading Research collaborations focus on observational studies of the first galaxies and distant very massive galaxies.

Italy (SNS-Pisa, Firenze/Arcetri, Trieste, Milano)

Theoretical Research:
A Ferrara (SNS Pisa): first galaxies, reionization, ISM, feedback, etc.
S. Salvadori:  chemical enrichment from first stars, dwarf gals.
S. Borgani (Trieste): galaxy clusters
M. Colpi (Milano): SMBH binary
S. Cantalupo, M. Fumagali (Milano):  CGM/IGM/Quasars
Alessandro Lupi (Milano/Insubria)

Spain (IAC)

Theoretical research (Nagamine): 
Francisco-Shu Kitaura: cosmological baryon distribution, Lya forest, power spectrum bias

Observational research (Kodama): 
Helmut Dannerbauer: optical-NIR-Submm-radio observations of protoclusters
Jose Manuel Perez-Martinez: Observations of protoclusters


Caltech/IPAC is a Caltech research institute focused primarily on infrared astronomy and data management and analysis for major space missions such as Spitzer and WISE. Working with international partners, Caltech/IPAC plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of the universe.

In the international Leading Research project, we work on the observational studies of distant galaxies and clusters of galaxies with space telescopes such as JWST, HST and Roman.


Founded in 1826, UCL is a world-renowned public university located in London, England, UCL offers educational programs in a wide range of academic disciplines, with particular excellence in research and teaching in the sciences, engineering, medicine, law, social sciences, and the humanities. The University has produced many Nobel Prize winners and occupies an important position in the international academic community. UCL is located in the heart of London, offering a diverse range of cultural and research opportunities.

The International Leading Research Program will conduct observations of high redshift galaxies with large telescopes such as JWST, HST, ALMA, and VLT.


The Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics) is a research institute in Bavaria, Germany, dedicated to astrophysics. The institute focuses on various research areas related to the physics of the universe, cosmology, dark matter, dark energy, and the formation and evolution of galaxies, etc. The MPA is a pioneer in international astrophysics, elucidating complex phenomena in the universe through theoretical studies and numerical simulations MPA is a leading international astrophysics organization. The MPA is also committed to education and training for researchers and students, and continues to make contributions to the fields of astronomy and astrophysics.

In the International Leading Research project, theoretical researches on cosmological structure formation using numerical simulations. In particular, the physics of feedback, ISM/CGM/IGM, galaxy formation, star formation, and the formation of first stars/galaxies/black holes.